Surname Feliks in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Feliks families are almost entirely Croats (from Prelog area ), barely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Prelog area and in Beli Manastir area.
About 40 people with faimily name Feliks live in Croatia today, in 16 households. There were 70 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in 7 Croatian counties and 8 other places, mostly in Zagreb (15), Bjelovar (<10), Mala Cresnjevica in Djurdjevac area (<10), Brodski Stupnik in Pleternica area (<10), and in Dekanovec in Prelog area (<10).
Outside Croatia
At least one family with this surname emigrated from Croatia to the United States.
Family name Feliks (including: Felix , Fellix , Felixx , Pheliks , Felicies , Felics , Felicis , Felicks and Phelicks ) is present in 154 countries worldwide. "Felics " is used by few people in Russian Federation , few people in Tajikistan , and few people in the United States. "Felix " is used by some 400000 people in Brazil , about 100000 in Mexico , and some 60000 people in the United States. "Felicies " is used by small number of people in the United States and small number in Puerto Rico.
Characteristic first names
Dejan Feliks,
Diana Feliks,
Branka Feliks,
Ivan Feliks,
Vladimir Feliks,
Marija Feliks,
Tomislav Feliks,
Srećko Feliks,
Mijo Feliks,
Dražen Feliks,
Svjetlana Feliks,
Nikola Feliks,
Milorad Feliks,
Mato Feliks,
Vesna Feliks,
Josip Feliks,
Viktor Feliks,
Ana Feliks,
Mara Feliks