Surname Felix in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Felix families are Croats (from Vinkovci ).
Only a few people with faimily name Felix live in Croatia today, in two households only.
They are located in three Croatian cities only: in Zagreb (<5), Vinkovci (<5), and in Osijek (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Felix (including: Phelix , Félix , Fellix , Phielix , Felixx , Feelix and Feliex ) is present in 151 countries worldwide. The family name "Felix " is used by some 400000 people in Brazil , about 100000 in Mexico , and some 60000 people in the United States. "Phelix " is used by some 500 people in Kenya , about 300 in the United States , and some 100 people in France. "Feliex " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Antonia Felix,
Daniela Felix,
Paula Felix,
Kata Felix,
Anna Felix,
Anni Felix,
Peter Felix,
Stefan Felix