Surname Đebrić in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Đebrić families are Croats (from Pozega ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Pozega and in Pozega area.
About 20 people with faimily name Đebrić live in Croatia today, in 6 households. There were 40 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number halved.
They are located in only threee naselja i to in Pozega (15), Vilic Selo in Pozega area (<10), and in Varazdin (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Đebrić (including: Döbrich , Djebric , Debrick , Debrichy , Debrich , Debric , Gerbrick , Gerbrich , Gebric and Diebrich ) is present in 21 countries worldwide. "Debric " is used by few people in the United States. "Debrich " is used by small number of people in Germany and small number in the United States. "Diebrich " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Davor Đebrić,
Žana Đebrić,
Josip Đebrić,
Ivana Đebrić,
Sabastijan Đebrić,
Siniša Đebrić,
Marija Đebrić,
Branka Đebrić,
Ljiljana Đebrić,
Marica Đebrić,
Dario Đebrić,
Marijana Đebrić,
Dragica Đebrić,
Pavao Đebrić,
Katarina Đebrić,
Ivan Đebrić,
Zlatko Đebrić,
Dijana Đebrić,
Matea Đebrić