Surname Vranko in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Vranko families are almost entirely Croats (from Vrbovec ), barely Slovenes (from Bjelovar ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Bjelovar. In Cerje in Vrbovec every twentieth inhabitant had the family name Vranko.
About 50 people with faimily name Vranko live in Croatia today, in 18 households. There were 70 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in four Croatian counties and threee other places, mostly in Zagreb (25), Cerje (15), Celine (<10), Dulepska (<5), and in Pavlin Klostar in Bjelovar area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Vranko is present in 11 countries on four continents. "Veranco " is used by few people in Peru and few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Svemir Vranko,
Sonja Vranko,
Aleksandar Vranko,
Ivan Vranko,
Davorin Vranko,
Vladimir Vranko,
Ivanka Vranko,
Božidar Vranko,
Sandra Vranko,
Petra Vranko,
Siniša Vranko,
Josip Vranko,
Zlatko Vranko,
Milaneta Vranko,
Branimir Vranko,
Ivica Vranko,
Mirta Vranko,
Hrvoje Vranko,
Dario Vranko