Surname Vnuk in modern Croatia
Vnuk families are Croats and they are mostly from Ivanec area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Ivanec area and in Pregrada.
About 160 people with faimily name Vnuk live in Croatia today, in 70 households. There were 150 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 10 percent.
They are located in 10 Croatian counties, in 10 cities and 27 other places, mostly in Zagreb (15), Svetojurski Vrh (15), Cestica in Ivanec area (10), Benkovo (<10), and in Kolarovec in Ivanec area (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Vnuk (including: Wnuk , Vnuchko , Wnuck , Vnuck and Vnuchek ) is present in 31 countries worldwide. The family name "Vnuk " is used by some 300 people in the United States , about 300 in Russian Federation , and some 200 people in Slovakia. "Vnuck " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Wnuk " is used by some 10000 people in Poland , about 1000 in the United States , and some 600 people in Germany.
Characteristic first names
Dražen Vnuk,
Igor Vnuk,
Alma Vnuk,
Jasmina Vnuk,
Gordana Vnuk,
Darko Vnuk,
Manuela Vnuk,
Sandra Vnuk,
Smiljana Vnuk,
Michael Vnuk,
Davorka Vnuk,
Ivanka Vnuk,
Slađana Vnuk,
Marijo Vnuk,
Miljenko Vnuk,
Nenad Vnuk,
Branko Vnuk,
Josip Vnuk,
Drago Vnuk