Surname Vlačić in modern Croatia
Vlačić families are almost entirely Croats and they are mostly from Labin , rarely Italians. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Labin and Pula. In Trget in Labin area every fifth inhabitant had the family name Vlačić.
About 260 people with faimily name Vlačić live in Croatia today, in 130 households. There were 370 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in 7 Croatian counties, in 12 cities and 32 other places, mostly in Labin (60), Pula (30), Strmac in Labin area (15), Rabac (10), and in Trget in Labin area (10).
Outside Croatia
At least 60 families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: the United States (52), France (4), Australia (1), Canada (1), the United Kingdom (1), and to Switzerland (1).
Family name Vlačić (including: Vlacich , Vlacic and Vlachic ) is present in 19 countries on four continents. The family name "Vlacic " is used by small number of people in the United States , small number in Canada , and small number of people in Germany. "Vlachic " is used by few people in the United States. "Vlacich " is used by some 200 people in the United States , about 100 in Afghanistan , and small number of people in France.
Characteristic first names
Helena Vlačić,
Anton Vlačić,
Silvano Vlačić,
Ljubomir Vlačić,
Ernest Vlačić,
Aleksandra Vlačić,
Emanuel Vlačić,
Dorina Vlačić,
Damir Vlačić,
Eleonora Vlačić,
Dino Vlačić,
Ivan Vlačić,
Igor Vlačić,
Ester Vlačić,
Jadranka Vlačić,
Mikela Vlačić,
Nada Vlačić,
Klaudia Vlačić,
Andrej Vlačić