Surname Vadjunec in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Vadjunec families are Croats (from Ludbreg area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Ludbreg area and in Varazdin.
About 20 people with faimily name Vadjunec live in Croatia today, in 8 households. There were 0 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number multiplied.
They are located in two Croatian counties, two cities and four other places, mostly in Hrzenica in Ludbreg area (<5), Ludbreg (<5), Sesvete Ludbreske in Ludbreg area (<5), Zagreb (<5), and in Sesvete (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Vadjunec is present in three countries on two continents. The family name "Vadjunec " is used by small number of people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Tomo Vadjunec,
Katarina Vadjunec,
Josip Vadjunec,
Vesna Vadjunec,
Ljiljana Vadjunec,
Štefica Vadjunec,
Slobodan Vadjunec,
Mladen Vadjunec,
Ivan Vadjunec,
Jagica Vadjunec,
Kata Vadjunec,
Marica Vadjunec,
Branko Vadjunec,
Maja Vadjunec,
Nikolina Vadjunec,
Marina Vadjunec,
Ivona Vadjunec,
Karlo Vadjunec,
Franca Vadjunec