Surname Udvardi in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Udvardi families are generally Croats (from Virovitica ), very rarely Hungarians (from Zupanja area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Virovitica and in Zupanja area.
About 30 people with faimily name Udvardi live in Croatia today, in 16 households. There were 50 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 40 percent.
They are located in 6 Croatian counties, four cities and 7 other places, mostly in Virovitica (<10), Podgorje (<10), Rijeka (<5), Cerna in Zupanja area (<5), and in Zagreb (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Udvardi is present in 20 countries on four continents. The family name "Udvardi " is used by some 1000 people in Hungary , small number in the United States , and small number of people in Germany. "Udvardy " is used by some 600 people in Hungary , about 100 in the United States , and small number of people in Slovakia.
Characteristic first names
Hermina Udvardi,
Milan Udvardi,
Nedeljka Udvardi,
Anita Udvardi,
Ankica Udvardi,
Irma Udvardi,
Andjelka Udvardi,
Maša Udvardi,
Maja Udvardi,
Mirela Udvardi,
Dragutin Udvardi,
Damir Udvardi,
Josip Udvardi,
Stanko Udvardi,
Nela Udvardi,
Đurđa Udvardi,
Štefica Udvardi,
Robert Udvardi,
Senad Udvardi