Surname Tičac in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Tičac families are Croats (from Cazins Region (Bosnia) ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Cazins Region, Bosnia (Bihac area) and in Zupanja area.
Only a few people with faimily name Tičac live in Croatia today, in two households only. There were 40 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly.
They are located in two Croatian cities only, in Osijek (<5) and Vinkovci (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Tičac (including: Ticac , Tichac , Tichaz , Tichiaz and Titschack ) is present in 7 countries on four continents. The family name "Ticac " is used by some 200 people in Argentina and small number in the United States. "Tichac " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Tichaz " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Antun Tičac,
Franjo Tičac,
Zrinka Tičac,
Katarina Tičac,
Stjepan Tičac,
Božo Tičac,
Cecilija Tičac,
Danko Tičac,
Dragutin Tičac,
Ervin Tičac,
Janja Tičac,
Kail Tičac,
Kata Tičac,
Marijan Tičac,
Mile Tičac,
Milica Tičac,
Neda Tičac,
Stipan Tičac,
Tomo Tičac