Surname Susak in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Susak families are mainly Bosniaks (from Middle Bosnia ), equally Croats (from Koprivnica area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Bosnian Krajina (Kotor Varos area). In Radava in Middle Bosnia every second inhabitant had the family name Susak.
About 20 people with faimily name Susak live in Croatia today, in 6 households.
They are located in only five Croatian places: in Vrhovac Sokolovacki in Koprivnica area (15), Zagreb (<10), and in Ivancec (<5), Rasinja (<5) and Veliki Poganac (<5) in Koprivnica area.
Outside Croatia
Family name Susak (including: Susac , Sushak , Susack , Czuczak , Susach , Czuszak and Shushak ) is present in 31 countries worldwide. The family name "Susak " is used by some 800 people in Ukraine , about 400 in the United States , and some 100 people in Russian Federation. "Susack " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Sushak " is used by small number of people in Ukraine and small number in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Halil Susak,
Sladjana Susak,
Gordana Susak,
Izet Susak,
Samir Susak,
Zikret Susak,
Fikret Susak,
Belkisa Susak,
Esad Susak,
Amid Susak,
Sejdo Susak,
Ivan Susak,
Marina Susak,
Rahima Susak,
Sendina Susak,
Djevad Susak,
Ivana Susak,
Nejla Susak,
Nerman Susak