Surname Sirovica in modern Croatia
Sirovica families are almost entirely Croats and they are mostly from Samobor , rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Samobor and Zagreb. In Konšćica in Samobor every seventh inhabitant had the family name Sirovica.
About 270 people with faimily name Sirovica live in Croatia today, in 110 households. There were 330 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 20 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 17 cities and 37 other places, mostly in Zagreb (40), Vela Luka on the Island of Korcula (25), Samobor (20), Konscica (15), and in Jastrebarsko (15).
Outside Croatia
Family name Sirovica is present in 11 countries on three continents. The family name "Sirovica " is used by some 70 people in the United States , small number in Germany , and small number of people in Sweden.
Characteristic first names
Jagoda Sirovica,
Stjepan Sirovica,
Davor Sirovica,
Kornelija Sirovica,
Zdenko Sirovica,
Vinko Sirovica,
Marina Sirovica,
Borivoj Sirovica,
Josip Sirovica,
Tihomir Sirovica,
Mladen Sirovica,
Đurđa Sirovica,
Jasna Sirovica,
Manuela Sirovica,
Juraj Sirovica,
Anita Sirovica,
Jadranka Sirovica,
Marijana Sirovica,
Ivica Sirovica