Surname Schlosser in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Schlosser families are generally Croats (from Vukovar ), very rarely Albanians (from Zagreb ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Vukovar and Zagreb.
About 20 people with faimily name Schlosser live in Croatia today, in 8 households. There were 0 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number multiplied.
They are located in four Croatian cities only: in Zagreb (15), Nova Gradiska (<5), Osijek (<5), and in Novi Vinodolski (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Schlosser is present in 51 countries worldwide. The family name "Schlosser " is used by some 20000 people in Germany , about 10000 in the United States , and some 3000 people in Brazil.
Characteristic first names
Vikica Schlosser,
Petra Schlosser,
Ida Schlosser,
Josip Schlosser,
Ladislav Schlosser,
Nrec Schlosser,
Dajana Schlosser,
Daniel Schlosser,
Doroteja Schlosser,
Adolf Schlosser,
Florijan Schlosser,
Nevenka Schlosser,
Bernhard Schlosser,
Marija Schlosser,
Aleksandra Schlosser,
Laura Schlosser,
Marta Schlosser,
Dina Schlosser,
Ana Schlosser