Surname Santor in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Santor families are Croats (from Koprivnica area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Koprivnica and in Koprivnica area.
About 30 people with faimily name Santor live in Croatia today, in 7 households. There were 20 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 40 percent.
They are located in only threee naselja i to in Koprivnicki Ivanec in Koprivnica area (20), Koprivnica (15), and in Starigrad (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Santor (including: Shantor , Szantor , Santhoor and Santoor ) is present in 27 countries worldwide. The family name "Santor " is used by some 2000 people in the Philippines , about 1000 in the United States , and some 300 people in Brazil. "Szantor " is used by small number of people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Zvonimir Santor,
Branimir Santor,
Željka Santor,
Dubravko Santor,
Stjepan Santor,
Vladimir Santor,
Damir Santor,
Dario Santor,
Ljerka Santor,
Saša Santor,
Branko Santor,
Slavica Santor,
Katica Santor,
Ruža Santor,
Mario Santor,
Siniša Santor,
Marina Santor,
Dorica Santor,
Maria Santor