Surname Ruf in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Ruf families are generally Croats (from Hrvatska Kostajnica area ), very rarely Hungarians (from Osijek area ), and . In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Novska and Pakrac.
About 40 people with faimily name Ruf live in Croatia today, in 18 households. There were 50 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in 9 Croatian counties, in 7 cities and 8 other places, mostly in Hrvatska Dubica (<10) and Slabinja (<10) in Hrvatska Kostajnica area, Vukovar (<5), Virovitica (<5), and in Kordusevci in Slavonski Brod area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Ruf (including: Ruff , Ruef , Ruhf , Ruph , Ruphi , Rufh , Ruhff , Ruuf and Rupha ) is present in 101 countries worldwide. The family name "Ruf " is used by some 20000 people in Germany , about 3000 in the United States , and some 2000 people in Indonesia. "Ruph " is used by few people in the United States. "Ruef " is used by some 600 people in the United States , about 100 in Germany , and some 100 people in Switzerland.
Characteristic first names
Marina Ruf,
Marijo Ruf,
Boris Ruf,
Antun Ruf,
Zoran Ruf,
Igor Ruf,
Davor Ruf,
Blaženka Ruf,
Francois Ruf,
Wolfgang Ruf,
Ruža Ruf,
Josip Ruf,
Werner Ruf,
Dušanka Ruf,
Jožef Ruf,
Janika Ruf,
Ljubica Ruf,
Adela Ruf,
Eva Ruf