Surname Rizman in modern Croatia
Rizman families are Croats and they are mostly from Zlatar area. According to some sources they are from Lobora. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zlatar area and in Zagreb.
About 70 people with faimily name Rizman live in Croatia today, in 40 households. There were 110 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 40 percent.
They are located in 9 Croatian counties, in 9 cities and 8 other places, mostly in Zagreb (25), Vinipotok in Zlatar area (20), Lipovljani in Novska area (<5), Cetinovec (<5), and in Rijeka (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Rizman (including: Ryzhman , Ryzman and Riezman ) is present in 23 countries worldwide. "Riezman " is used by small number of people in the United States , small number in Malaysia , and small number of people in Israel. "Ryzman " is used by small number of people in the United States and small number in France.
Characteristic first names
Zdravko Rizman,
Zdenka Rizman,
Zvonko Rizman,
Tatjana Rizman,
Janko Rizman,
Mirela Rizman,
Ivica Rizman,
Vladimir Rizman,
Marijan Rizman,
Damir Rizman,
Ivan Rizman,
Nada Rizman,
Josip Rizman,
Dragutin Rizman,
Tomislav Rizman,
Martina Rizman,
Nevenka Rizman,
Boženka Rizman,
Višnja Rizman