Surname Puškaš in modern Croatia
Puškaš families are frequently Croats and they are mostly from Djurdjevac area , less frequently Rusyns. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Sisak. In Planina Gornja in Zagreb nearly every inhabitant had the family name Puškaš.
About 100 people with faimily name Puškaš live in Croatia today, in 40 households. There were 100 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are located in 10 Croatian counties, in 12 cities and 9 other places, mostly in Zagreb (25), Virje in Djurdjevac area (20), Lipovljani in Novska area (<10), Grubisno Polje (<10), and in Vukovar (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Puškaš (including: Puskás , Puskas , Puscas , Pushkash , Pushkashu , Puschkasch , Pushkas , Puskash and Pushcash ) is present in 42 countries worldwide. The family name "Puskas " is used by some 2000 people in the United States , about 900 in Hungary , and some 300 people in Romania. "Pushkas " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Puskash " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Goran Puškaš,
Ivan Puškaš,
Dražen Puškaš,
Marica Puškaš,
Višnja Puškaš,
Višnjica Puškaš,
Božidar Puškaš,
Amarila Puškaš,
Nadica Puškaš,
Ljubica Puškaš,
Zlatko Puškaš,
Ernest Puškaš,
Mirko Puškaš,
Miroslav Puškaš,
Sanja Puškaš,
Joakim Puškaš,
Blaženka Puškaš,
Janika Puškaš,
Jozef Puškaš