Surname Podravac in modern Croatia
Podravac families are frequently Croats and they are mostly from Pleternica area , less frequently Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Virovitica and in Pleternica area.
About 80 people with faimily name Podravac live in Croatia today, in 40 households. There were 170 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number halved.
They are located in 9 Croatian counties, in 10 cities and 14 other places, mostly in Velika Mucna in Koprivnica area (10), Zagreb (<10), Podravlje (<10), Dugo Selo Lukacko in Virovitica area (<10), and in Radeljevo Selo in Koprivnica area (<10).
Outside Croatia
At least two families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to the United States.
Family name Podravac is present in four countries on three continents. The family name "Podravac " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Suzana Podravac,
Igor Podravac,
Kristijan Podravac,
Marijan Podravac,
Luka Podravac,
Milan Podravac,
Ivan Podravac,
Ivica Podravac,
Vlasta Podravac,
Dijana Podravac,
Edvard Podravac,
Dragica Podravac,
Ivanka Podravac,
Zvonko Podravac,
Dolores Podravac,
Goran Podravac,
Željko Podravac,
Marko Podravac,
Jelena Podravac