Surname Pihler in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Pihler families are Croats (from Zapresic ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Osijek.
About 60 people with faimily name Pihler live in Croatia today, in 30 households. There were 160 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly.
They are located in 6 Croatian counties, in 9 cities and four other places, mostly in Zagreb (15), Zapresic (10), Kupljenovo (10), Rude (10), and in Osijek (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Pihler (including: Pichler , Piehler , Pühler , Püchler , Piechler and Pithler ) is present in 55 countries worldwide. "Pithler " is used by few people in the United States. "Piehler " is used by some 1000 people in Germany , about 400 in the United States , and small number of people in Thailand.
Characteristic first names
Ivan Pihler,
Branko Pihler,
Mirjana Pihler,
Slađana Pihler,
Kristina Pihler,
Gordana Pihler,
Matej Pihler,
Željko Pihler,
Berislav Pihler,
Lea Pihler,
Elizabeta Pihler,
Josip Pihler,
Milan Pihler,
Ratimir Pihler,
Stanko Pihler,
Ljubica Pihler,
Davor Pihler,
Sanja Pihler,
Alen Pihler