Surname Peja in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Peja families are Roms (from Novska ).
Only a few people with faimily name Peja live in Croatia today, in two households only. There were 0 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are located in only threee naselja i to in Metkovic (<5), Novska (<5), and in Zetkan in Vrbovec area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Peja (including: Peya , Peera , Peeta , Peela , Peeva , Peesa , Peia , Peea and Pheja ) is present in 68 countries worldwide. "Peia " is used by some 300 people in Romania , about 60 in the United States , and small number of people in Spain. "Peeta " is used by small number of people in Indonesia and small number in the United States. "Peela " is used by some 50 people in the United States and small number in Singapore.
Characteristic first names
Ivan Peja,
Serbez Peja,
Hasan Peja,
Semir Peja,
Senad Peja,
Šireta Peja,
Arif Peja