Surname Milković in modern Croatia
Milković families are mainly Croats and they are mostly from Gospic area and according to some sources from Dubrovacko primorje (Mravinjac) or Vrlika and Herzegovina, rarely Serbs and Hungarians. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and in Gospic area . In places Selo Sveti Marko and Malo Polje in Gospic area every second inhabitant had the family name Milković.
Created with kartograph 0.8.7 and Raphaël 2.2.0 Zagreb Zadar Rijeka Solin Gospić Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenija Hungary Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenija Hungary Gospic
About 2200 people with faimily name Milković live in Croatia today, in 940 households. There were 2300 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant. They are located in all Croatian counties, in 82 cities and 212 other places, mostly in Zagreb (390), Zadar (85), Rijeka (85), Solin (65), and in Gospic (65).
Outside Croatia
At least 37 families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: Germany (11), the United States (10), Australia (6), Canada (4), France (3), Switzerland (2), and to Austria (1). Family name Milković (including: Milkovic , Milkovich , Milcovich , Milkowich , Milkovics , Milkovych , Milkowicz , Milkovicz , Milckovich and Milcovici ) is present in 36 countries worldwide. The family name "Milkovic " is used by some 300 people in Germany , about 200 in the United States , and some 200 people in Argentina . "Milkovich " is used by some 700 people in the United States , about 100 in Ukraine , and some 100 people in Canada . "Milkowich " is used by small number of people in the United States .
Characteristic first names
Mateo Milković,
Aleksandra Milković,
Melita Milković,
Darko Milković,
Josip Milković,
Ivana Milković,
Elizabeta Milković,
Dubravko Milković,
Marin Milković,
Darij Milković,
Marija Milković,
Borka Milković,
Janko Milković,
Vili Milković,
Božo Milković,
Ante Milković,
Zvjezdan Milković,
Dražen Milković,
Alen Milković