Surname Medak in modern Croatia
Medak families are mainly Croats and they are mostly from Komin near Ploce , rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Metkovic and Ploce. In Komin in Ploce every sixth inhabitant had the family name Medak.
About 590 people with faimily name Medak live in Croatia today, in 240 households. There were 500 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 20 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 27 cities and 37 other places, mostly in Komin (210), Metkovic (115), Zagreb (60), Split (35), and in Ploce (25).
Outside Croatia
At least 11 families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: the United States (5), Australia (3), South Africa (2), and to Germany (1).
Family name Medak (including: Medack , Medhach , Medhache , Medhak , Medach and Medaci ) is present in 28 countries worldwide. The family name "Medak " is used by some 500 people in the United States , about 200 in Germany , and some 100 people in South Africa. "Medack " is used by some 100 people in the United States and small number in Germany.
Characteristic first names
Ivica Medak,
Matko Medak,
Damir Medak,
Branko Medak,
Jelena Medak,
Goran Medak,
Stipan Medak,
Darko Medak,
Ana Medak,
Zoran Medak,
Suzana Medak,
Denis Medak,
Marcel Medak,
Ivan Medak,
Diana Medak,
Tanja Medak,
Zorka Medak,
Jasnica Medak,
Vera Medak