Surname Lisse in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Lisse families are Croats (from Varazdin ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Varazdin.
Only a few people with faimily name Lisse live in Croatia today, in four households only. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are located in two Croatian cities only, in Varazdin (<5) and Zagreb (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Lisse (including: Liesse , Lysse ) is present in 31 countries worldwide. The family name "Lisse " is used by some 400 people in Brazil , about 300 in France , and some 200 people in the United States. "Lysse " is used by some 90 people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Alma Lisse,
Stanislav Lisse,
Mario Lisse,
Violeta Lisse,
Sven Lisse,
Enio Lisse,
Đurđica Lisse,
Aleksandar Lisse,
Sanda Lisse,
Silvana Lisse,
Viktor Lisse