Surname Lipert in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Lipert families are generally Croats (from Djakovo area ), very rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Djakovo area and in Zagreb.
About 30 people with faimily name Lipert live in Croatia today, in 9 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number tripled.
They are located in four Croatian counties, threee cities and four other places, mostly in Stari Mikanovci in Djakovo area (15), Zagreb (<10), Vrbica in Djakovo area (<10), Cepin in Osijek area (<5), and in Sarvas (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Lipert (including: Lippert , Liepert , Lipperdt , Lieppert and Lyppert ) is present in 58 countries worldwide. "Lippert " is used by some 8000 people in Germany , about 7000 in the United States , and some 1000 people in Brazil. "Lipperdt " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Liepert " is used by some 500 people in Germany , about 80 in the United States , and some 70 people in Austria.
Characteristic first names
Marko Lipert,
Franjo Lipert,
Jasna Lipert,
Ivica Lipert,
Stjepan Lipert,
Josip Lipert,
Suzana Lipert,
Tomislav Lipert,
Antonija Lipert,
Nikola Lipert,
Neva Lipert,
Ranko Lipert,
Tihana Lipert,
Željka Lipert,
Franjka Lipert,
Dragutin Lipert,
Ranka Lipert,
Neda Lipert,
Đurđa Lipert