Surname Leder in modern Croatia
Leder families are frequently Croats and they are mostly from Velika Gorica , less frequently Czechs (Daruvar area). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Velika Gorica.
About 140 people with faimily name Leder live in Croatia today, in 60 households. There were 90 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 50 percent.
They are located in four Croatian counties and 7 other places, mostly in Velika Gorica (85), Sesvete (20), Donji Sredjani in Daruvar area (15), Zagreb (15), and in Ruca in Ivanic-Grad area (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Leder (including: Leeder , Ledder , Lehder and Löhder ) is present in 59 countries worldwide. The family name "Leder " is used by some 4000 people in Germany , about 2000 in the United States , and some 300 people in Israel. "Ledder " is used by some 200 people in the United States , about 100 in the Netherlands , and small number of people in Thailand. "Leeder " is used by some 1000 people in the United States , about 700 in Canada , and some 500 people in Australia.
Characteristic first names
Ivica Leder,
Jasminka Leder,
Miljenko Leder,
Jasmina Leder,
Nenad Leder,
Dorotea Leder,
Dario Leder,
Željko Leder,
Ivanka Leder,
Gordana Leder,
Ana Leder,
Zlata Leder,
Jaroslav Leder,
Marina Leder,
Jadranka Leder,
Ivan Leder,
Sanja Leder,
Biljana Leder,
Svjetlana Leder