Surname Junger in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Junger families are Croats (from Cazma area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Bjelovar and Cazma.
About 20 people with faimily name Junger live in Croatia today, in 13 households. There were 40 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number halved.
They are located in four Croatian counties and another small place , mostly in Zagreb (<10), Stefanje in Cazma area (<10), Cazma (<5), Zaton (<5), and in Bjelovar (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Junger (including: Juenger , Yunger , Yuenger , Jünger , Jhungeer , Jungherr , Iunger , Yungher and Jungher ) is present in 49 countries worldwide. The family name "Junger " is used by some 5000 people in Brazil , about 3000 in Germany , and some 800 people in the United States. "Yunger " is used by some 400 people in the United States , about 200 in Israel , and some 100 people in Ukraine. "Iunger " is used by small number of people in Argentina and small number in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Vladimir Junger,
Reiner Junger,
Marijan Junger,
Ivana Junger,
Ivanka Junger,
Nada Junger,
Božidar Junger,
Mirna Junger,
Gordana Junger,
Dušan Junger,
Thomas Junger,
Sandra Junger,
Katica Junger,
Božica Junger,
Mato Junger,
Slavko Junger,
Katarina Junger,
Ana Junger,
Josip Junger