Surname Jelenc in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Jelenc families are almost entirely Croats (from Cabar ), barely Slovenes (from Zagreb ), and . In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Rijeka.
About 70 people with faimily name Jelenc live in Croatia today, in 30 households. There were 80 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 10 percent.
They are only located in in 10 Croatian cities and 5 other places, mostly in Zagreb (20), Slavonski Brod (10), Trsce (<10), Varazdin (<5), and in Kastav (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Jelenc (including: Jellenc , Yelenc and Jelenz ) is present in 11 countries worldwide. The family name "Jelenc " is used by some 90 people in Argentina , about 70 in the United States , and small number of people in Australia. "Yelenc " is used by few people in the United States. "Jellenc " is used by small number of people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Dražen Jelenc,
Lara Jelenc,
Mario Jelenc,
Željko Jelenc,
Josip Jelenc,
Alen Jelenc,
Vesna Jelenc,
Anton Jelenc,
Blaženka Jelenc,
Metka Jelenc,
Ankica Jelenc,
Darko Jelenc,
Dragutin Jelenc,
Marko Jelenc,
Marijana Jelenc,
Leo Jelenc,
Milivoj Jelenc,
Danica Jelenc,
Ivica Jelenc