Surname Hala in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Hala families are predominantly Croats (from Daruvar area ), rarely Czechs (also from Daruvar area ), and . In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Pakrac and in Daruvar area. In Kip in Daruvar area every twentieth inhabitant had the family name Hala.
About 10 people with faimily name Hala live in Croatia today, in 6 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are located in only four naselja i to in Badljevina (<10), Pakrac (<5), Zagreb (<5), and in Kip in Daruvar area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Hala (including: Chala , Halla , Thala , Halah , Hallah , Hála , Haala , Halaa and Hallia ) is present in 123 countries worldwide. "Halla " is used by some 3000 people in Indonesia , about 1000 in Brazil , and some 1000 people in the United States. "Hallah " is used by some 1000 people in Algeria , about 100 in Pakistan , and small number of people in the United States. "Haala " is used by some 500 people in Germany , about 200 in the United States , and some 70 people in Japan.
Characteristic first names
Slavko Hala,
Andrijana Hala,
Manda Hala,
Tomislav Hala,
Mirjana Hala,
Goran Hala,
Zdenka Hala,
Miroslav Hala,
Josipa Hala,
Jaroslav Hala,
Ivan Hala,
Anđela Hala,
Damian Hala,
Benjamin Hala,
Marija Hala,
Emilija Hala,
Josip Hala,
Franjo Hala