Surname Hajek in modern Croatia
Hajek families are often Croats and they are mostly from Cazma area , rarely Czechs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Kutina and in Cazma area.
About 80 people with faimily name Hajek live in Croatia today, in 30 households. There were 100 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 20 percent.
They are located in 10 Croatian counties, in 9 cities and 7 other places, mostly in Zagreb (15), Split (<10), Pozega (<10), Nasice (<10), and in Popovaca in Kutina area (<10).
Outside Croatia
At least five families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to Germany (3) and the United States (2).
Family name Hajek (including: Hayek , Hájek , Haiek , Hayeck , Hajec , Heieck , Chajec , Hajeck and Heiek ) is present in 94 countries worldwide. The family name "Hajek " is used by some 3000 people in the United States , about 2000 in Czech Republic , and some 900 people in Germany. "Hayek " is used by some 10000 people in Syria , about 5000 in Lebanon , and some 4000 people in the United States. "Hayeck " is used by some 500 people in Lebanon , about 200 in Japan , and some 100 people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Zoran Hajek,
Željko Hajek,
Zvonimir Hajek,
Kristina Hajek,
Mario Hajek,
Kornelija Hajek,
Karmelija Hajek,
Marijana Hajek,
Miroslav Hajek,
Senka Hajek,
Martina Hajek,
Slavica Hajek,
Želimir Hajek,
Neda Hajek,
Zvonko Hajek,
Vladimir Hajek,
Dubravka Hajek,
Marija Hajek,
Karel Hajek