Surname Gonan in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Gonan families are generally Croats (from Vrbovec area ), very rarely Italians (from Pula area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Vrbovec area and in Pula. In Podjales in Vrbovec area every ninth inhabitant had the family name Gonan.
About 50 people with faimily name Gonan live in Croatia today, in 18 households. There were 70 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 40 percent.
They are located in four Croatian counties and four other places, mostly in Zagreb (15), Marcana in Pula area (10), Podjales in Vrbovec area (<10), Gornja Glogovnica (<10), and in Pula (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Gonan (including: Goonan , Gonnan ) is present in 12 countries worldwide. The family name "Gonan " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Goonan " is used by some 600 people in the United States , about 400 in Australia , and some 100 people in Thailand. "Gonnan " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Feručio Gonan,
Berislav Gonan,
Damir Gonan,
Andja Gonan,
Fulvio Gonan,
Ivan Gonan,
Roberto Gonan,
Branimir Gonan,
Ivana Gonan,
Dario Gonan,
Josip Gonan,
Nevia Gonan,
Dragica Gonan,
Katarina Gonan,
Marin Gonan,
Blaženka Gonan,
Zlatko Gonan,
Tomislav Gonan,
Jasna Gonan