In Croatia, Galeta families are Croats (from Zapresic area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Valpovo area and in Zagreb.
About 10 people with faimily name Galeta live in Croatia today, in five households only. There were 30 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly. They are located in four Croatian counties, threee cities and threee other places, mostly in Slavonski Brod (<5), Zagreb (<5), Belisce (<5), and in Samatovci (<5) and Satnica (<5) in Valpovo area.
In the sources analysed in the project Acta Croatica so far, the name is mentioned few times, the first time 1917 in source List of Dignitaries, Officials and Public Servants of the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia.