Surname Gabrilo in modern Croatia
Gabrilo families are Croats and they are mostly from Sinj area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Split and in Sinj area. In Kraj in Sinj area every fourth inhabitant had the family name Gabrilo.
About 130 people with faimily name Gabrilo live in Croatia today, in 60 households. There were 100 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 40 percent.
They are located in threee Croatian counties and four other places, mostly in Kraj in Sinj area (80), Split (45), Zagreb (<10), Sinj (<10), and in Jesenice in Omis area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Gabrilo (including: Gabrillo , Gabriello and Gabrielo ) is present in 23 countries worldwide. "Gabrillo " is used by some 4000 people in the Philippines , about 100 in the United States , and small number of people in Saudi Arabia. "Gabriello " is used by some 70 people in the United States , about 60 in Italy , and some 50 people in Brazil.
Characteristic first names
Aleksandra Gabrilo,
Dirsi Gabrilo,
Ante Gabrilo,
Renata Gabrilo,
Dajana Gabrilo,
Jakša Gabrilo,
Kolinda Gabrilo,
Žana Gabrilo,
Tina Gabrilo,
Antica Gabrilo,
Slavica Gabrilo,
Bartul Gabrilo,
Anica Gabrilo,
Adrian Gabrilo,
Orhidea Gabrilo,
Dragica Gabrilo,
Ana Gabrilo,
Zdravko Gabrilo,
Nikola Gabrilo