Surname Ciper in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Ciper families are mainly Croats (from Vinkovci ), less frequently Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Bosnian Krajina (Prijedor area) and in Rijeka.
About 10 people with faimily name Ciper live in Croatia today, in five households only.
They are located in four Croatian cities only: in Zagreb (<5), Velika Gorica (<5), Rijeka (<5), and in Vinkovci (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Ciper (including: Zipper , Chiper , Cypher , Chipper , Zieper , Cipher , Ziper , Cipper and Cyper ) is present in 54 countries worldwide. "Ziper " is used by small number of people in Germany and small number in the United States. "Zipper " is used by some 900 people in Germany , about 800 in the United States , and some 300 people in France. "Zieper " is used by some 80 people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Zoran Ciper,
Dojčin Ciper,
Sanja Ciper,
Iva Ciper,
Vladimir Ciper,
Katarina Ciper,
Vladimira Ciper,
Goran Ciper,
Bogdan Ciper,
Živko Ciper,
Rajka Ciper,
Filip Ciper,
Mario Ciper,
Desanka Ciper,
Treza Ciper,
Đurđa Ciper