Surname Budi in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Budi families are almost entirely Croats (from Samobor area ), barely Hungarians (from Zagreb ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Samobor and Zagreb.
About 40 people with faimily name Budi live in Croatia today, in 19 households. There were 70 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 50 percent.
They are located in threee Croatian counties, four cities and threee other places, mostly in Samobor (20), Strmec in Samobor area (15), Zagreb (<10), Mali Losinj on the Island of Losinj (<5), and in Bregana (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Budi (including: Budhi , Buddi , Buddhi , Bhudi , Budie , Buudi , Budih , Bbudi and Buhdi ) is present in 69 countries worldwide. The family name "Budi " is used by some 100000 people in Indonesia , about 400 in the United States , and some 400 people in Malaysia. "Budhi " is used by some 10000 people in Indonesia , about 90 in the United States , and small number of people in Guyana. "Buddi " is used by some 300 people in Sri Lanka , about 200 in Indonesia , and some 70 people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Srećko Budi,
Franjo Budi,
Ivan Budi,
Dario Budi,
Dubravko Budi,
Katarina Budi,
Nikica Budi,
Dragutin Budi,
Danila Budi,
Juraj Budi,
Zoran Budi,
Valentina Budi,
Vera Budi,
Renata Budi,
Marijana Budi,
Terezija Budi,
Željko Budi,
Zlatko Budi,
Anamarija Budi