Surname Blažević in modern Croatia
Blažević families are Croats and they are mostly from Bosnian Posavina. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Bosanian Posavina (Brcko area) and in Banja Luka Region, Bosnia (Banja Luka area). In places Gornji Korićani and Carevo Polje in Middle Bosnia every sixth inhabitant had the family name Blažević.
About 7400 people with faimily name Blažević live in Croatia today, in 3000 households. There were 4000 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 80 percent.
They are located in all Croatian counties, in 114 cities and 629 other places, mostly in Zagreb (1175), Split (445), Slavonski Brod (295), Rijeka (215), and in Osijek (165).
Outside Croatia
At least 119 families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: Germany (40), Austria (17), Australia (15), Switzerland (15), the United States (12), Sweden (8), South Africa (3), Canada (3), Argentina (3), France (2), and to the Netherlands (1).
Family name Blažević (including: Blazevic , Blazhevich , Blazevich , Blazewicz , Blazevics , Blazewick , Blazheevich , Blazhievich , Blazhevych and Blazewich ) is present in 55 countries worldwide. The family name "Blazevic " is used by some 2000 people in Germany , about 2000 in Lithuania , and some 1000 people in the United States. "Blazevich " is used by some 400 people in the United States , about 70 in Argentina , and small number of people in Latvia. "Blazewicz " is used by some 2000 people in Poland , about 300 in the United States , and some 90 people in Argentina.
Characteristic first names
Branko Blažević,
Milan Blažević,
Krešimir Blažević,
Dalibor Blažević,
Mateo Blažević,
Mladen Blažević,
Damir Blažević,
Ante Blažević,
Ankica Blažević,
Miljenko Blažević,
Marko Blažević,
Zoran Blažević,
Tania Blažević,
Zrinka Blažević,
Danko Blažević,
Edo Blažević,
Nikola Blažević,
Borislav Blažević,
Sunčica Blažević