Surname Beuk in modern Croatia
Beuk families are predominantly Croats and they are mostly from Delnice area , less frequently Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Cazma.
About 70 people with faimily name Beuk live in Croatia today, in 40 households. There were 40 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 70 percent.
They are located in 10 Croatian counties, in 13 cities and 12 other places, mostly in Zagreb (20), Otok in Vinkovci area (<10), Dubrava in Vrbovec area (<10), Siscani (<10), and in Ravna Gora in Delnice area (<10).
Outside Croatia
At least four families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: Germany (2), the United States (1), and to France (1).
Family name Beuk (including: Beucher , Beuck , Beuchat , Beuchel , Beuche , Beuch , Beucci , Beuc and Beuek ) is present in 48 countries worldwide. The family name "Beuk " is used by some 300 people in the Netherlands , about 100 in Indonesia , and some 80 people in the United States. "Beuek " is used by few people in the United States. "Beuck " is used by some 400 people in Germany , about 100 in the United States , and small number of people in Canada.
Characteristic first names
Darko Beuk,
Mladen Beuk,
Branka Beuk,
Perica Beuk,
Marina Beuk,
Nikolina Beuk,
Željko Beuk,
Dean Beuk,
Lazar Beuk,
Sandra Beuk,
Milan Beuk,
Vladimir Beuk,
Irena Beuk,
Sofija Beuk,
Goran Beuk,
Branimir Beuk,
Ljubinka Beuk,
Dragutin Beuk,
Ljerka Beuk