Surname Belc in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Belc families are Croats (from Klanjec area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and in Klanjec area. In Pušća in Klanjec area every eighth inhabitant had the family name Belc.
About 40 people with faimily name Belc live in Croatia today, in 17 households. There were 50 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 20 percent.
They are located in only threee naselja i to in Zagreb (25), Skalic Zagorski in Pregrada area (<10), and in Velika Gorica (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Belc (including: Belz , Beltz , Belch , Bellic , Bellich , Belliz , Bellz , Belcz and Bellitz ) is present in 68 countries worldwide. The family name "Belc " is used by some 300 people in Romania , about 50 in Poland , and small number of people in Canada , small number of people in the United States. "Belz " is used by some 4000 people in Germany , about 2000 in the United States , and some 1000 people in Brazil. "Beltz " is used by some 5000 people in the United States , about 700 in Germany , and some 100 people in France , some 100 people in Japan.
Characteristic first names
Mladen Belc,
Tomislav Belc,
Zvonimir Belc,
Natalija Belc,
Vjekoslav Belc,
Brigita Belc,
Mario Belc,
Verica Belc,
Željko Belc,
Miljenko Belc,
Božo Belc,
Marijan Belc,
Ljiljana Belc,
Sabina Belc,
Vesna Belc,
Danijel Belc,
Marija Belc,
Božidar Belc,
Franjo Belc