Surname Behrens in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Behrens families are predominantly Croats, rarely Serbs.
About 10 people with faimily name Behrens live in Croatia today, in two households only.
They are located in one Croatian city only, in Pula (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Behrens (including: Bährens , Beherens and Behrenss ) is present in 70 countries worldwide. The family name "Behrens " is used by some 30000 people in Germany , about 10000 in the United States , and some 3000 people in South Africa. "Beherens " is used by some 80 people in Argentina , small number in the United States , and small number in Venezuela.
Characteristic first names
Fatima Behrens,
Maria Behrens,
Barbara Behrens,
Peter Behrens,
Roswitha Behrens,
Slobodan Behrens,
Mirjana Behrens,
Nada Behrens,
Kristina Behrens,
Marko Behrens,
Edita Behrens,
Kurt Behrens,
Marika Behrens,
Werner Behrens