Surname Špondreht in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Špondreht families are generally Croats (from Virovitica ), very rarely Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Virovitica and Rijeka. In Milanovac in Virovitica every twentieth inhabitant had the family name Špondreht.
About 20 people with faimily name Špondreht live in Croatia today, in 12 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number doubled.
They are located in two Croatian counties, two cities and another small place , mostly in Virovitica (<10), Rijeka (<5), and in Viskovo in Rijeka area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Špondreht is present in this form only in Croatia.
Characteristic first names
Anđelka Špondreht,
Marko Špondreht,
Mario Špondreht,
Anita Špondreht,
Darko Špondreht,
Vladimir Špondreht,
Vanja Špondreht,
Antun Špondreht,
Nada Špondreht,
Vlatka Špondreht,
Dijana Špondreht,
Alen Špondreht,
Dejan Špondreht,
Marijana Špondreht,
Marija Špondreht,
Djuro Špondreht,
Stjepan Špondreht,
Ana Špondreht,
Franjo Špondreht