Surname Vujko in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Vujko families are predominantly Serbs, rarely Croats (from Sibenik ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Sibenik and Skradin. In Velika Glava in Skradin every fifth inhabitant had the family name Vujko.
About 40 people with faimily name Vujko live in Croatia today, in 20 households. There were 90 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly.
They are located in 8 Croatian counties, in 8 cities and four other places, mostly in Sibenik (20), Velika Glava (<10), Punikve (<5), Zagreb (<5), and in Vodice (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Vujko (including: Vuyko , Wujko ) is present in 13 countries on four continents. The family name "Vujko " is used by small number of people in the United States and small number in Italy. "Wujko " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Milan Vujko,
Goran Vujko,
Slavica Vujko,
Zlatomir Vujko,
Alen Vujko,
Branka Vujko,
Ina Vujko,
Vitomir Vujko,
Jovan Vujko,
Dražen Vujko,
Sanja Vujko,
Nives Vujko,
Božena Vujko,
Nikola Vujko,
Dragica Vujko,
Slavko Vujko,
Vlasta Vujko,
Marija Vujko,
Ivana Vujko