Surname Vončina in modern Croatia
Vončina families are Croats and they are mostly from Cazma area. According to some sources they are from northwest Istria or maybe even from Czechia. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and Pakrac.
About 140 people with faimily name Vončina live in Croatia today, in 70 households. There were 130 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 10 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 16 cities and 16 other places, mostly in Zagreb (30), Pakrac (15), Kutjevo in Orahovica area (10), Sirac in Daruvar area (10), and in Pozega (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Vončina is present in 16 countries on four continents. The family name "Voncina " is used by small number of people in Australia , small number in Austria , and small number of people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Luka Vončina,
Željko Vončina,
Tomislav Vončina,
Nikola Vončina,
Josip Vončina,
Dubravko Vončina,
Milan Vončina,
Emil Vončina,
Marta Vončina,
Ivan Vončina,
Darko Vončina,
Dragan Vončina,
Vladimir Vončina,
Tanja Vončina,
Dragutin Vončina,
Kata Vončina,
Blanka Vončina,
Alen Vončina,
Mato Vončina