Surname Vinčić in modern Croatia
Vinčić families can be both Croats (the family name originates from Pozega area ) and Serbs. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Hrvatska Kostajnica area and in Zagreb. In Udetin in Hrvatska Kostajnica area every second inhabitant had the family name Vinčić.
About 230 people with faimily name Vinčić live in Croatia today, in 100 households. There were 320 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 25 cities and 28 other places, mostly in Zagreb (35), Split (25), Udetin in Hrvatska Kostajnica area (20), Brodski Stupnik in Pleternica area (15), and in Mirkovci (10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Vinčić (including: Vincic , Vincich , Vincas and Vinchici ) is present in 12 countries on three continents. The family name "Vincic " is used by small number of people in the United States , small number in Canada , and small number of people in Sweden. "Vincich " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Vinchici " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Davor Vinčić,
Mirko Vinčić,
Irena Vinčić,
Marko Vinčić,
Jadranka Vinčić,
Višnja Vinčić,
Agata Vinčić,
Dražen Vinčić,
Damir Vinčić,
Smilja Vinčić,
Igor Vinčić,
Fatima Vinčić,
Milan Vinčić,
Miroslav Vinčić,
Zoran Vinčić,
Željka Vinčić,
Darija Vinčić,
Evica Vinčić,
Jasna Vinčić