Surname Stefan in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Stefan families are mainly Italians (from Rijeka ), less frequently Croats (from Kastav ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Rijeka and Opatija.
About 20 people with faimily name Stefan live in Croatia today, in 11 households. There were 220 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased significantly.
They are located in five Croatian cities only: in Rijeka (20), Kastav (<5), Sesvete (<5), Djakovo (<5), and in Petrinja (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Stefan (including: Stephan , Steffan , Shtefan , Steffann , Steefan , Stefaan , Stteefan , Shteffan and Stefhan ) is present in 125 countries worldwide. The family name "Stefan " is used by some 200000 people in Romania , about 50000 in Germany , and some 10000 people in the United States. "Stephan " is used by some 60000 people in Germany , about 20000 in the United States , and some 20000 people in France. "Steffan " is used by some 5000 people in Germany , about 4000 in the United States , and some 800 people in France.
Characteristic first names
Francesco Stefan,
Denis Stefan,
Tomislava Stefan,
Alida Stefan,
Igor Stefan,
Stelio Stefan,
Ira Stefan,
Angela Stefan,
Giuseppina Stefan,
Arsen Stefan,
Liana Stefan,
Anđela Stefan,
Loredana Stefan,
Vilma Stefan,
Biserka Stefan,
Ivan Stefan,
Sergio Stefan,
Mara Stefan,
Raul Stefan