Surname Sparožić in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Sparožić families are almost entirely Croats (from the Island of Krk ), very rarely Bosniaks (from the Island of Krk ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Rijeka and on the Island of Krk.
About 30 people with faimily name Sparožić live in Croatia today, in 10 households. There were 50 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 50 percent.
They are located in threee Croatian counties, threee cities and 6 other places, mostly in Omisalj on the Island of Krk (10), Rijeka (<10), Vrbnik on the Island of Krk (<10), Kraljevica (<5), and in Podhum in Rijeka area (<5).
Outside Croatia
At least seven families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to the United States.
Family name Sparožić (including: Sparozic , Sparozich ) is present in three countries on two continents. The family name "Sparozic " is used by some 100 people in the United States. "Sparozich " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Mirela Sparožić,
Tomo Sparožić,
Nikša Sparožić,
Lana Sparožić,
Tihomir Sparožić,
Franjo Sparožić,
Ratko Sparožić,
Matija Sparožić,
Dubravka Sparožić,
Marsela Sparožić,
Nikola Sparožić,
Igor Sparožić,
Nikolina Sparožić,
Tonica Sparožić,
Zumra Sparožić,
Franjka Sparožić,
Ivica Sparožić,
Jelka Sparožić,
Marijana Sparožić