Surname Seiler in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Seiler families are Croats (from Valpovo area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Vukovar and in Valpovo area.
About 20 people with faimily name Seiler live in Croatia today, in 6 households. There were 10 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number doubled.
They are located in only four Croatian places: in Vukovar (<10), Samatovci in Valpovo area (<10), Rijeka (<5), and in Rokovci in Vinkovci area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Seiler (including: Seyler , Seiller , Seillier , Seyller , Seeler , Szeiler , Szeyller , Czeiler and Seieler ) is present in 73 countries worldwide. The family name "Seiler " is used by some 10000 people in Germany , about 10000 in the United States , and some 2000 people in Switzerland. "Seieler " is used by few people in the United States. "Seiller " is used by some 1000 people in France , about 300 in Germany , and some 100 people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Siniša Seiler,
Mario Seiler,
Marijo Seiler,
Theo Seiler,
Aleksandar Seiler,
Petar Seiler,
Ana Seiler,
Davor Seiler,
Mirela Seiler,
Lenka Seiler,
Gabriela Seiler,
Marjana Seiler,
Mara Seiler,
Ivan Seiler,
Zlata Seiler,
Stjepan Seiler,
Iboljka Seiler,
Snježana Seiler,
Antonio Seiler