Surname Porubić in modern Croatia
Porubić families are Croats and they are mostly from Ogulin. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Ogulin and Zagreb.
About 80 people with faimily name Porubić live in Croatia today, in 40 households. There were 70 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 10 percent.
They are located and four other Croatian places, mostly in Ogulin (65), Zagreb (20), Rijeka (<5), and in Ostarije (<5) and Skradnik (<5) in Ogulin area.
Outside Croatia
Family name Porubić is present in two countries on two continents. The family name "Porubic " is used by small number of people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Nikica Porubić,
Mirta Porubić,
Pavao Porubić,
Predrag Porubić,
Slavko Porubić,
Mateja Porubić,
Kristina Porubić,
Zdenko Porubić,
Franjo Porubić,
Marica Porubić,
Tatjana Porubić,
Senka Porubić,
Vesna Porubić,
Željko Porubić,
Veseljka Porubić,
Davorka Porubić,
Andrea Porubić,
Slaven Porubić,
Ivana Porubić