Surname Podobnik in modern Croatia
Podobnik families are Croats and they are mostly from Delnice area. According to some sources they are from Ravne Gore. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Delnice area and in Rijeka. In Dobropolje in Middle Bosnia nearly every inhabitant had the family name Podobnik.
About 310 people with faimily name Podobnik live in Croatia today, in 140 households. There were 260 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 20 percent.
They are located in the most of Croatian counties, in 31 cities and 23 other places, mostly in Zagreb (55), Ravna Gora in Delnice area (40), Pozega (20), Belisce (20), and in Novska (15).
Outside Croatia
Family name Podobnik (including: Podobnykh , Podobnick ) is present in 16 countries worldwide. The family name "Podobnik " is used by some 100 people in the United States , small number in Germany , and small number of people in Australia. "Podobnick " is used by few people in the United States.
Characteristic first names
Mario Podobnik,
Boris Podobnik,
Drina Podobnik,
Renato Podobnik,
Davor Podobnik,
Zlatko Podobnik,
Josip Podobnik,
Zoran Podobnik,
Vladimir Podobnik,
Marijan Podobnik,
Željka Podobnik,
Đurđica Podobnik,
Nenad Podobnik,
Anđelka Podobnik,
Jasenka Podobnik,
Ivan Podobnik,
Maja Podobnik,
Željko Podobnik,
Snježana Podobnik