Surname Plancutić in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Plancutić families are Croats (from Zlatar area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zlatar area and in Zabok.
About 40 people with faimily name Plancutić live in Croatia today, in 13 households. There were 50 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number decreased by 30 percent.
They are located in only five naselja i to in Vojnovec Loborski (20) and Lobor (15) in Zlatar area, Zlatar (<5), Kasina (<5), and in Koprivnica (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Plancutić is present in this form only in Croatia.
Characteristic first names
Vladimir Plancutić,
Anita Plancutić,
Natalija Plancutić,
Zlatko Plancutić,
Štefica Plancutić,
Stjepan Plancutić,
Dubravka Plancutić,
Ankica Plancutić,
Josipa Plancutić,
Mario Plancutić,
Petra Plancutić,
Dario Plancutić,
Anđelka Plancutić,
Ivica Plancutić,
Marina Plancutić,
Milan Plancutić,
Dragutin Plancutić,
Katarina Plancutić,
Ruža Plancutić