Surname Pećek in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Pećek families are Croats (from Pozega area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Pozega area and in Ivanec.
Only a few people with faimily name Pećek live in Croatia today, in three households only.
They are located in only threee naselja i to in Jaguplije in Pozega area (<10), Pozega (<5), and in Varazdin (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Pećek (including: Pecek , Pechacek , Pechek , Pechácek , Petschek , Pecsek , Pecherek , Pecheck , Pecec and Peczek ) is present in 32 countries worldwide. The family name "Pecek " is used by some 800 people in Czech Republic , about 300 in Slovakia , and some 200 people in the United States. "Pechek " is used by some 100 people in the United States , about 100 in Czech Republic , and some 70 people in Brazil. "Petschek " is used by some 100 people in the United States , about 70 in Argentina , and small number of people in Germany.
Characteristic first names
Ivica Pećek,
Tomislav Pećek,
Katarina Pećek,
Michaela Pećek,
Dragutin Pećek,
Josip Pećek,
Ana Pećek,
Martina Pećek,
Franjo Pećek,
Marica Pećek,
Slavica Pećek,
Sofija Pećek,
Tereza Pećek,
Đuro Pećek,
Štefica Pećek