Surname Pavliša in modern Croatia
Pavliša families are Croats and they are mostly from Zabok area. According to some sources they are from Veliko Trgovisce area (Pavlisi). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and in Zabok area.
About 100 people with faimily name Pavliša live in Croatia today, in 50 households. There were 100 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number remains constant.
They are located in 6 Croatian counties, in 7 cities and 13 other places, mostly in Zagreb (35), in Ravnice (15) and Dubrovcan (<10) in Zabok area, Zavrsje Loborsko in Zlatar area (<10), and in Koprivnica (<10).
Outside Croatia
Family name Pavliša (including: Pavlisa , Pavlischak and Pawlisa ) is present in 7 countries on two continents. "Pawlisa " is used by small number of people in the United States. "Pavlischak " is used by small number of people in the United States , small number in Ukraine , and small number of people in Russian Federation.
Characteristic first names
Goran Pavliša,
Stjepan Pavliša,
Gordana Pavliša,
Dorijan Pavliša,
Ivan Pavliša,
Vedrana Pavliša,
Željkica Pavliša,
Jasenka Pavliša,
Zlatko Pavliša,
Anita Pavliša,
Krešo Pavliša,
Damir Pavliša,
Zdravko Pavliša,
Mirjana Pavliša,
Marija Pavliša,
Mario Pavliša,
Katarina Pavliša,
Željko Pavliša,
Mija Pavliša