Surname Pastuhović in modern Croatia
In Croatia, Pastuhović families are almost entirely Croats (from Middle Bosnia ), very rarely Roms (from Osijek area ). In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Middle Bosnia (Jajce area) and in Rijeka.
About 30 people with faimily name Pastuhović live in Croatia today, in 12 households. There were 20 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 90 percent.
They are located in 7 Croatian counties, in 7 cities and two other places, mostly in Sisak (10), Rijeka (<10), Karlovac (<5), Dugo Selo (<5), and in Darda in Osijek area (<5).
Outside Croatia
Family name Pastuhović is present in 6 countries on three continents.
Characteristic first names
Mario Pastuhović,
Zvonimir Pastuhović,
Sandra Pastuhović,
Marica Pastuhović,
Leo Pastuhović,
Ivana Pastuhović,
Josip Pastuhović,
Finka Pastuhović,
Ladislav Pastuhović,
Vanja Pastuhović,
Marko Pastuhović,
Ivanka Pastuhović,
Ivica Pastuhović,
Tihomir Pastuhović,
Dragan Pastuhović,
Bruno Pastuhović,
Irena Pastuhović,
Igor Pastuhović,
Teo Pastuhović